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The Tarrant County Veterans Council was chartered in 1971 to provide an organization through which veterans service organizations in the Tarrant County area could coordinate their efforts to better serve area veterans and their survivors. In addition to supporting our military and programs that sustain veterans, their spouses, widows and family members, we are probably best known for hosting the annual Veterans Day Parade every year in Fort Worth. 
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President Dan Zmroczek

1st Vice Pres. Roland Paquette

2nd Vice Pres. Bruce Zielsdorf

Secretary & Finance Officer Pixie Wetmore

Chaplain David Fenn

Past Pres. Ken Cox

Board of Directors

Director 1 Larry Hoffman – Budget & Finance Chair

Director 2 J. “Scott” Castillo – Parade Chair

Director 3 Terry Alger - Legislative Chair

Director 4 Lewis Knapp – Awards &

     Decorations Chair

Director 5 Bill Putman – Constitution & Bylaws Chair

Director 6 Tom Holder – Membership Chair

Contact the Council


Mailing address

Tarrant County Veterans Council

                    P.O. Box 16301

                    Fort Worth, TX 76162



The Veterans Council is a coalition of service organizations from throughout the Tarrant County area who have joined together to better serve the veterans of our Armed Forces through unity. The Council’s purpose is to…

  1. Support the military forces of the United States of America

  2. Encourage the maintenance of capable defense forces

  3. Support programs which sustain veterans, their spouses, widows & family members

  4. Coordinate veteran’s programs in the Greater Tarrant County area.


The Tarrant County Veterans Council was formed to provide a venue through which veteran service organizations in the Greater Tarrant County area can coordinate their efforts to better serve area veterans and their survivors.


In this spirit, the Council accepts all members and member organizations without regard to color, creed, race, religion or sexual orientation. The Council strives to sustain an atmosphere of mutual respect and welcomes the diversity that leads to an open exchange of ideas.

Charitable Status

Tarrant County Veterans Council (TCVC) is a Texas-based corporation recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code which allows for federal tax exemption of nonprofit organizations. In accordance with 26 U.S.C. § 170, donations to TCVC are deductible, for federal income tax purposes, for donors who make charitable contributions.

Non-Profit Political Prohibitions
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